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Article: Interactions between Inhibitory Interneurons and Excitatory Associational Circuitry in Determining Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells: A Large-Scale Computational Study.

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Hendrickson PJ; Yu GJ; Song D; Berger TW
Front Syst Neurosci, 2015

Summary of changes in network activity due to strengthening and weakening individual synaptic connections.

Connection Increase/decrease weight? Effect
MC → GC Increase Strong high-frequency activity modulated by low-frequency oscillation. High-frequency bursts are highly synchronous.
Decrease Less, but more regular GC activity; spatio-temporal clusters slightly more “fuzzy;” fewer long (3–4 mm) clusters.
GC → MC Increase Slight increase in both mossy and basket cell activity, with corresponding decrease in granule cell activity. Otherwise, little discernable difference in activity.
Decrease Slight decrease in both mossy and basket cell activity. Otherwise, little discernable difference.
MC → BC Increase GC activity is more regular; no other strong differences.
Decrease Strong high-frequency activity modulated by low-frequency oscillation. Low frequency component is higher than in MC → GC and BC → GC cases, while high frequency component is slower.
GC → BC Increase Very regular activity in all three dentate cell populations.
Decrease Low-frequency oscillation modulates strength and density of spatio-temporal clusters in granule cells.
BC → GC Increase Spatio-temporal clusters have sharpter tailing edges, with less inter-cluster activity.
Decrease Strong high-frequency activity modulated by low-frequency oscillation. Synchrony in high-frequency activity not as strong as for MC → GC case.

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